xcopy exclude

這參數有點難搞,所以特地專文紀錄一下 xcopy /Y \\servername\backup\*.* C:\backup /EXCLUDE:C:\excludefile.txt excludefile.txt這個檔案放在C:\ excludefild.txt的內容為要排除的檔案名稱 xxx.ldf xxx.mdf xcopy的進階討論請看這個討論串 資安論壇

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  • I have a batch file to copy over files from Visual Studio to my Web folder. I want to copy...
    /exclude in xcopy just for a file type - Stack Overflow ...
  • 這參數有點難搞,所以特地專文紀錄一下 xcopy /Y \\servername\backup\*.* C:\backup /EXCLUDE...
    5566,地表最強團體。: xcopy 的exclude參數用法
  • 2017年2月22日 - However, the /EXCLUDE option of xcopy is very poor. It does not really exclu...
    cmd - Exclude multiple file extension in xcopy - Stack Overflow
  • I want to copy files and folders in a directory to another folder excluding a list of file...
    cmd - Xcopy Command excluding files and folders - Stack ...
  • 2012年9月10日 - Just give full path to exclusion file: eg.. -- no - - - - - xcopy c:-t1 c:-t...
    cmd - Xcopy Command excluding files and folders - Stack Overflow
  • I used the xcopy EXCLUDE flag successfully without putting the lines in quote marks, even ...
    command line - XCOPY /Exclude Directory Syntax - Super User ...
  • 2010年11月23日 - The /EXCLUDE: argument expects a file containing a list of excluded ... xco...
    exclude in xcopy just for a file type - Stack Overflow
  • Hi, I use an xcopy command below but it doesn't do what I want. Instead, it complains ...
    How to use the "exclude" option in xcopy? | PC Rev ...
  • Hi, I use an xcopy command below but it doesn't do what I want. Instead, it complains ...
    How to use the "exclude" option in xcopy? | PC Review
  • Parameters Source : Required. Specifies the location and names of the files you want to co...
    Microsoft Windows XP - Xcopy
  • This recipe will briefly explain how to use the /EXCLUDE flag with XCOPY. This can be very...
    XCOPY command : Using the /EXCLUDE flag
  • 2007年11月7日 - This recipe will briefly explain how to use the /EXCLUDE flag with XCOPY. Th...
    XCOPY command : Using the EXCLUDE flag - Tech-Recipes
  • 2009年10月20日 - BACKUP.BAT 內容 XCOPY C:-Documents and Settings-ms-Application Data-Microsoft...
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  • Z:\>xcopy /? 複製檔案和樹狀目錄。 XCOPY source [destination] [/A | /M] [/D[:date]] [/P] [/S [...
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  • 2016年8月15日 - 最近在改Windows 上的build script, 需要將一些PE 檔案複製到一個特定目錄,但又希望排除一些特定名稱的PE 檔~ 當然也可以用cop...
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  • 微軟作業系統內建指令XCOPY備份功能介紹 您是否曾遇到硬碟或隨身碟故障,導致檔案損壞的情況,此時才後悔沒備份。但備份工作既耗時又常碰到問題,有時備份到一半出現錯誤訊息,到底備份多...
  • 因為我們公司是使用工作排程定期備份資料但最近發現資料量有些龐大仔細看了一下,發現不少非必要的檔案所以在網路上找了xcopy 的exclude 參數用法過濾一些 ...
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